Chasen stand (shape retainer)
A great little tool for keeping your chasen in good shape!
A frequently used chasen can lose its volume and become slightly lop-sided. A little wear and tear is only to be expected.
This simple yet functional tool restores your chasen to its original shape while providing a good storage option too.
In order to reshape the tines, simply rinse the chasen after use then place it upside-down on the stand.
The inner tines fit inside and the outer tines wrap around the outside.
The chasen is restored to its original state as it dries and it also looks good in your cabinet!
No more worries about where to store your chasen ... It can be kept on the stand until it is used again.
A must for regular matcha drinkers!
Available color: blue or green
Size: Approx. Height 2.8" (7.3cm)
Made in Japan
US$4.00 (Shipping charges not included) SOLD OUT